After pampering your bottom with high-quality organic ingredients, you don’t want butt acne or blemishes to recur, so here are some steps you can take right now to make sure your healthy bottom stays that way.
Keep it clean!
After workouts, and even after a day’s work, be sure you shower and cleanse your skin to wash away excess oils, bacteria, and fibers from your clothing that can clog your pores.
Dry-brush your bottom.
In fact, dry-brush your whole body, especially your legs and outer arms, to slough off the day’s debris and dead skin cells. This process stimulates your circulatory system and new skin cell growth, as well as clears the way for the deep-penetrating products you should use to restore your skin, like those made by Massk®.
Get some air!
It’s fun to wear a daily uniform of tight-fitting jeans and flirty, form-fitting skirts that show off your most prominent asset. But your butt needs to breathe! So, change your clothing to looser loungewear at the end of the day. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it needs oxygen to thrive.
Shake what your mama gave you!
Walking, dancing, and just getting up off the couch regularly stimulate blood flow and activate your gluteus muscles, which are the largest in your body. Working out (aerobically and anaerobically) is vital for every bodily system, and that goes for double for your cheeks.
Be your skin’s superhero.
In addition to eating a clean diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits, colorful vegetables, and free-range animal products (if that’s on your menu), you’ve got to pay attention to your outside just like your insides. Adopting a smart skincare regimen is where it’s at. And that’s where Massk® comes in. Our 3-Step Butt Cheek Beauty Kit makes booty maintenance a breeze. With Massk’s Butt Cheek Cleanser, Bamboo Charcoal Butt Cheek Mask, and Butt Cheek Lotion, your tush will become firmer, brighter, and healthier with regular use.